Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Road To Oscar

Oh Great!!!

A adaption film from Hong Kong had won an Oscar. Alan Mak and Andrew Lau's Internal Affair had won Martin Scorese, The Departed, an Oscar. I suppose the Hong Kong creators and team must be over the moon. Hong Kong had lots of great creators. Directors. Producers. Scritwriters. Actors. Stuntmen. Choroegraphers. etc etc... . And fantastic films.

Oh, I feel pity for Mr Dicaprio. He had 2 wonderful films in The Departed and Blood Diamonds, yet he did win the best actor award. His past film in Aviator also miss out on the award. Gosh. Well, when is his turn? Maybe ee had to wait for his award, just like Andy Lau who had finally capture his Best Actor Award after so many years.

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