Michael Jackson had pass away. Another great musician artiste had gone... again.. .
His millions of fans worldwide will definitely miss his songs and dance moves. His signature track are awesome... Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad, Beat It, We are The World, Earth Song, Heal The World, Black or White... plus many other great numbers... Will You Be There, In The Closet, You Are Not Alone, Who Is It, I Just Can't Stop Loving You (oh, a great ballard.. I am surprise when I know this song is by MJ!! Coz, during that time when I was in primary school, I only know his trademark songs are Beat It, Bad and Billie Jean.. hence, to hear him sing Loving You is a totally different genre song :p).. etc..... .
Michael Jackson trademark .. The White Glove, black and white attire with hat and sunglass and white socks with black shoe, military costume with gold embellish.. he could really carry them off greatly.
Yeah, and btw, try balance on the tip of the shoe, dropping at 45 deg with body straight.. hold it there and move back seamlessly to standing position, try his rubbery leg turning and twisting and of coz.. his legendary Moonwalk... woww....
Oh, and.... his famous Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... !!!
His fans just can't get enough of all his signature outlook, dance moves and songs!!!
Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad, Beat It are the very 'first songs' that I know about Michael Jackson. Follow by I Can't Just Stop Loving You. Then his Dangerous album tracks... and Heal the World, Earth Song and You Are Not Alone. Well, frankly, last time when I was young (even now.. at times) and I heard Bad and Beat It, I juz wana laugh.. haa... I duno why.. Maybe I juz find the lyrics "I am bad, I'm bad..." and "Beat it... beat it..." ... a bit comical?? I duno.. Nevertheless, these two songs are rather classics!!
Beside his dancing tracks, one could feel the warmth and touching feeling in his We Are The World, Heal the World, Earth Song and You Are Not Alone. Brilliant.
Michael Jackson's video is always full of anticipation. One can always see great adrenaline dance moves in his dancing track video. Very pump up. Look at the way he dance in his In The Closet video... the ending part where he dance (I thought some of his moves are inspire from the traditional India dance where he bend and spread apart his knees) in window.. Ohhhhhhhhhh..... awesome.
Michael Jackson is really the super star .. from another league. He could really sing and dance. His vocal and dance moves are really unique. A true maga star who let out his very own style. Oh, on top of his singing and dancing... Michael Jackson write and compose many of his songs!!! This is always one the best admirable factor that I have for an artiste. Sing, dance, write, compose and arrange. All of these, Michael Jackson pull it of out of this world! I have to say, lots of Michael Jackson's tracks and performances are rather flawless.. sophisticated.. . the music arangement, his vocal and his smoothing moves are really, really fabulous..
Yeah, I really admire the way he did it :)
Michael Jackson is indeed the King of POP.
MJ number ONE.

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