While on my way to the mrt station... I saw a lady with a child passing by.. as the lady was walking down the stairs, she called out loudly to a man (apparently her husband) with another child," Papa, why are you still here?" .. Gooosh, that man was her husband, yet she was calling him "Papa" !!??
I had heard husband and wife calling each other "Papa-Mama" many times. And everytime, it never fail to cringe me. And most of the time, they like to call out the cringing-name LOUDLY. Do they really think it is sweet and romantic to call each other as "Papa-Mama"? Frankly, I find it rather utterly disgusting and nonsensical. Do they know the meaning of "Papa" and "Mama"? The word "Papa" means that person is your father - YOU are his child.
How do one could actually find it romantic to call your spouse as "Father"? It is completely senseless.
Sometimes, I could also heard couple calling each other as "Dar Dar". I suppose it is a short abbreviation from "Darling". Well, if one wana call her loved ones as "Darling", then just say it! Please say ,"Darling", the exact word and dun spoil the word as "Dar Dar". It is neither cute nor endearing at all.
There are many sweet names in the air, awaiting one to grasp with both hands... and blow sweet-whispers to your loved ones.
If one duno, then that's certainly unromantic.
Sometimes, I had also overheard the mother calling out her little daughter's name loudly as "Mei Mei"!!! Ohhhh!! "Mei Mei" in Mandarin means younger sister. Why do a mother call her daughter ... as younger sister? Irrational. Again, there are many sweet little names for ones' beloved little daughter.
There are many beautiful names up there, yeah, for one to romance with your beloved ones. If one really duno, then, please.. just call your spouse or daugther.. their actual name.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tc, Wei Hua
Recently a relative of mine had a mishap.. and die in an unfortunate incident. He is only around 31yrs, yeah, although we are not very close.. but we used to play together when we very, very young. He and I are small frame.. skinny little boys :p ... well.. fast forward to today, he's gone :(
In a blink, yeah, he's gone.
His mum is totally lost. When I bidding goodbye to her (at the wake), she look at me.. saying 'you had grown up' .. I could tell from her eye that.. she is also implying ' Wei Hwa is about the same age as you, about yr height... he should be standing here... if only...'
Tc, Wei Hua
In a blink, yeah, he's gone.
His mum is totally lost. When I bidding goodbye to her (at the wake), she look at me.. saying 'you had grown up' .. I could tell from her eye that.. she is also implying ' Wei Hwa is about the same age as you, about yr height... he should be standing here... if only...'
Tc, Wei Hua
K. 311-Alla turca Allegretto - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The other day... I am walking past a flat near my house.... hmmm.... I hear a familiar piano tune.. i pause.. stop and stand there. The melody is really catchy and absorbing. It is light, fast, fairytale-like and... the pianist seem to play it seamlessly. I wonder is anyone playing it 'live' now or is it from a CD? The music coming above, seems to be the same block of flat which I heard a young girl playing beautiful music when i am practising my staircse climbing 1 year ago. I wonder could it be the same girl or juz a CD playing? Btw the piece that I heard was K. 311-Alla turca Allegretto - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Anyway, I juz stood rooted ... coz the music is too beautiful :)
I used to think... how I wish my neighbour is a piano or volin lover. From time to time, playing beautiful pieces ... hee.. but hopefully not playing .. sad and solemn pieces .. too often ... :p ... ironically, sad music is beautiful at times, as they could made u sit still.. unattached from the world.. and sink you into a desserted garden .. letting you absorb and touching your heart :p
Anyway, I juz stood rooted ... coz the music is too beautiful :)
I used to think... how I wish my neighbour is a piano or volin lover. From time to time, playing beautiful pieces ... hee.. but hopefully not playing .. sad and solemn pieces .. too often ... :p ... ironically, sad music is beautiful at times, as they could made u sit still.. unattached from the world.. and sink you into a desserted garden .. letting you absorb and touching your heart :p
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
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