Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bravo German, Gutsy Italian

The World Cup 2006 Semi-Final between Germany-Italy is a great match. Germany playing attacking with caution play. Italy playing superb defence with quick counter attacks. Both are trying to win the game with different strategies, not depending on luck entirely. Unlike some team just hoping they could win the match, without attempting to put pressure and win it. England will know. Argentina will know. Both could play swift assaults. Both could be semi-finalist. One could be champion. But they didn't. Germany has lost, but walk away with honour. Nobody will fault them. Italy has win, and nobody will say they win by luck. Lippe give a stroke of genius during the extra-time, by pumping in attackers! It become an open play. Calculated risks are been taken.

Germans are bravo. Italians are gutsy. Both are worthy winner. But there could only be 1 winner.

There could be only 1.

May the force be with YOU.

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