A flashback that take us though a strange condition, friendships, two character's different grown up story and, of coz, love story. The author and ...the director manage to tell the story seamlessly... the charactors' story, surrounding, encounter, time and pace are been blended in so smoothly. Simply wonderful. This 2hrs and 45mins film is so wonderful.
The love story of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) and Daisy (Cate Blancett) is so touching. Two lover who wana so much to stay together forever, yet they had to be seperated ... because of Benjamin's unusual circumstances. Benjamin gave up all his fortune to Daisy and their beloved daugther and led a poor and lonely life. Daisy look after Benjamin when he began to become a child... and to infant.... .
Again, it is another great film with excellent stars performance. Brad Pitt, Cate Blancett and Tilda Swinton put up marvellous performances. Neverheless, when Benjamin turn from his thirties to twenties... and his youth hairstyle, he look so... charming. Cate Blancett's ballet dance and posture is so beautiful..I wonder is she an ex-ballet dancer?? Tilda Swinton.. oooh.. she look so classic! Didn't she? Her look and mannerism seem so timeless and elegant. Woww...
In the middle of this show, it sort of remind me of Titanic.. haa... well, coz in both film, the story are flashback from an old lady. A love story that dated back many decades ago. An affecting and heartbroken story. But of coz, I would still prefer The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

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