While on my way to the mrt station... I saw a lady with a child passing by.. as the lady was walking down the stairs, she called out loudly to a man (apparently her husband) with another child," Papa, why are you still here?" .. Gooosh, that man was her husband, yet she was calling him "Papa" !!??
I had heard husband and wife calling each other "Papa-Mama" many times. And everytime, it never fail to cringe me. And most of the time, they like to call out the cringing-name LOUDLY. Do they really think it is sweet and romantic to call each other as "Papa-Mama"? Frankly, I find it rather utterly disgusting and nonsensical. Do they know the meaning of "Papa" and "Mama"? The word "Papa" means that person is your father - YOU are his child.
How do one could actually find it romantic to call your spouse as "Father"? It is completely senseless.
Sometimes, I could also heard couple calling each other as "Dar Dar". I suppose it is a short abbreviation from "Darling". Well, if one wana call her loved ones as "Darling", then just say it! Please say ,"Darling", the exact word and dun spoil the word as "Dar Dar". It is neither cute nor endearing at all.
There are many sweet names in the air, awaiting one to grasp with both hands... and blow sweet-whispers to your loved ones.
If one duno, then that's certainly unromantic.
Sometimes, I had also overheard the mother calling out her little daughter's name loudly as "Mei Mei"!!! Ohhhh!! "Mei Mei" in Mandarin means younger sister. Why do a mother call her daughter ... as younger sister? Irrational. Again, there are many sweet little names for ones' beloved little daughter.
There are many beautiful names up there, yeah, for one to romance with your beloved ones. If one really duno, then, please.. just call your spouse or daugther.. their actual name.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tc, Wei Hua
Recently a relative of mine had a mishap.. and die in an unfortunate incident. He is only around 31yrs, yeah, although we are not very close.. but we used to play together when we very, very young. He and I are small frame.. skinny little boys :p ... well.. fast forward to today, he's gone :(
In a blink, yeah, he's gone.
His mum is totally lost. When I bidding goodbye to her (at the wake), she look at me.. saying 'you had grown up' .. I could tell from her eye that.. she is also implying ' Wei Hwa is about the same age as you, about yr height... he should be standing here... if only...'
Tc, Wei Hua
In a blink, yeah, he's gone.
His mum is totally lost. When I bidding goodbye to her (at the wake), she look at me.. saying 'you had grown up' .. I could tell from her eye that.. she is also implying ' Wei Hwa is about the same age as you, about yr height... he should be standing here... if only...'
Tc, Wei Hua
K. 311-Alla turca Allegretto - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The other day... I am walking past a flat near my house.... hmmm.... I hear a familiar piano tune.. i pause.. stop and stand there. The melody is really catchy and absorbing. It is light, fast, fairytale-like and... the pianist seem to play it seamlessly. I wonder is anyone playing it 'live' now or is it from a CD? The music coming above, seems to be the same block of flat which I heard a young girl playing beautiful music when i am practising my staircse climbing 1 year ago. I wonder could it be the same girl or juz a CD playing? Btw the piece that I heard was K. 311-Alla turca Allegretto - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Anyway, I juz stood rooted ... coz the music is too beautiful :)
I used to think... how I wish my neighbour is a piano or volin lover. From time to time, playing beautiful pieces ... hee.. but hopefully not playing .. sad and solemn pieces .. too often ... :p ... ironically, sad music is beautiful at times, as they could made u sit still.. unattached from the world.. and sink you into a desserted garden .. letting you absorb and touching your heart :p
Anyway, I juz stood rooted ... coz the music is too beautiful :)
I used to think... how I wish my neighbour is a piano or volin lover. From time to time, playing beautiful pieces ... hee.. but hopefully not playing .. sad and solemn pieces .. too often ... :p ... ironically, sad music is beautiful at times, as they could made u sit still.. unattached from the world.. and sink you into a desserted garden .. letting you absorb and touching your heart :p
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
The Devil Wears Prada
I have finally catch the film - The Devil Wears Prada :)
Ooh.. I should have watch it earlier! It's really a fashion film.. hee.. well, but at least it's better late than never... not too late, yet :)
Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep.. she fit into the 'devil' seamlessly. Yeah, though she is such a big name, it's a shame of me to admit that I have not catch many of her production to date. Her performance as Miranda - a powerful, perfectionist, workaholics, fearsome, icy editor-in-chief, is a truly great actress. No doubt.
Oh yeah, Anne Hathaway put in wonderful perforamance as a PA - a sweet, aspiring journalist with her own down-to-earth principle. Again, it's rather embarassing to say I have not watch any of the sweet Anne Hathaway's film. I can't remember, did I?
Stanley Tucci... ? Pardon me, yet again... I have neither seen nor heard of him before... But he impress me!! Yeah, he look every bit like a topsy-fashion-advisor!
Oh, when I saw Simon Baker.. I thought he is Jamie Olivier.. hee.. I still do find him looking like a twin brother of Jamie ...hee...
I do enjoy this humorous and bitchy film.. very much :) .. Letting me getting a glimpse into the fashion industry and professional people who hold high esteem in what they love and doing. Well, the fast pacing fashion film also show that there's a 'human kindess' in many soul :) .. how warm it is :)
During and after watching this fashion film.. . it make me wana listen to the groove of Vogue.. again :)
Ooh.. I should have watch it earlier! It's really a fashion film.. hee.. well, but at least it's better late than never... not too late, yet :)
Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep.. she fit into the 'devil' seamlessly. Yeah, though she is such a big name, it's a shame of me to admit that I have not catch many of her production to date. Her performance as Miranda - a powerful, perfectionist, workaholics, fearsome, icy editor-in-chief, is a truly great actress. No doubt.
Oh yeah, Anne Hathaway put in wonderful perforamance as a PA - a sweet, aspiring journalist with her own down-to-earth principle. Again, it's rather embarassing to say I have not watch any of the sweet Anne Hathaway's film. I can't remember, did I?
Stanley Tucci... ? Pardon me, yet again... I have neither seen nor heard of him before... But he impress me!! Yeah, he look every bit like a topsy-fashion-advisor!
Oh, when I saw Simon Baker.. I thought he is Jamie Olivier.. hee.. I still do find him looking like a twin brother of Jamie ...hee...
I do enjoy this humorous and bitchy film.. very much :) .. Letting me getting a glimpse into the fashion industry and professional people who hold high esteem in what they love and doing. Well, the fast pacing fashion film also show that there's a 'human kindess' in many soul :) .. how warm it is :)
During and after watching this fashion film.. . it make me wana listen to the groove of Vogue.. again :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
5 For $10.00 VCD
This evening, a trip to my neighbourhood VCD/DVD shop... just to taking a look around... BUT ended up buying 15 film :) !!!! Hee... initially, I just wanted to went inside the shop to browse through the vcd/dvd... but upon knowing that there were some great films going at 5 for $10, I decided to take 5 vcd then. As I run through the tittles, I picked up 1, 2, 3, ...... 8, 9..... 14, 15. Oh! I ended up picking 15 tittles :p
Hmmm... well, I dunno is it good that I had stop at 15 vcd? Or should I grab the dvd at 2 for $15? Well, anyway, currently I couldn't watch dvd at home, hence, I decided to snatch up the vcd :p.. it's hard to get a deal of 15 films for $30 :)
I suppose if I have a dvd player device at home now, I might be running my hands over the dvd selections.. haa.. .
Hee... btw, I had got hold of a mixture of films. I got the action, thriller, gripping and moving film.. Here, we go: Jackal, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Sleepers, Fracture, The Manchurian Candidate, No Country For Old Men, Charlie Wilson's War, Enigma, Pride & Glory, The Insider, The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, A Mighty Heart, Infernal Affairs, Infernal Affairs II, Infernal Affairs III.
Well, among all these films, the ones that I wanted to watch most and with high anticipation would be The Insider and Sleepers. Both films starring great actors, Al Pacino, Russel Crowe, Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman... woww.. feel like having a great time watcing the films with coffee to go along... hee.. :)
Hmmm... well, I dunno is it good that I had stop at 15 vcd? Or should I grab the dvd at 2 for $15? Well, anyway, currently I couldn't watch dvd at home, hence, I decided to snatch up the vcd :p.. it's hard to get a deal of 15 films for $30 :)
I suppose if I have a dvd player device at home now, I might be running my hands over the dvd selections.. haa.. .
Hee... btw, I had got hold of a mixture of films. I got the action, thriller, gripping and moving film.. Here, we go: Jackal, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Sleepers, Fracture, The Manchurian Candidate, No Country For Old Men, Charlie Wilson's War, Enigma, Pride & Glory, The Insider, The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, A Mighty Heart, Infernal Affairs, Infernal Affairs II, Infernal Affairs III.
Well, among all these films, the ones that I wanted to watch most and with high anticipation would be The Insider and Sleepers. Both films starring great actors, Al Pacino, Russel Crowe, Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman... woww.. feel like having a great time watcing the films with coffee to go along... hee.. :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cage house, cage people, cage dog
Last weekend, I had read an article that report 1 out of 6 people in Hong Kong live in poverty.
In Hong Kong, some people stay in cage house. They are the cage people. Some call them cage dog. And there are some who live in a cramped space of less than 2sq m.
They are around 10000 cage people and 90000 live in squalid cubicles.
Sometimes it's disturbing to came across such reality.
In Hong Kong, some people stay in cage house. They are the cage people. Some call them cage dog. And there are some who live in a cramped space of less than 2sq m.
They are around 10000 cage people and 90000 live in squalid cubicles.
Sometimes it's disturbing to came across such reality.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Holiday 2009
Happy Holiday!!!
Just come back from my haircut. A new haircut for my 3 weeks Rest & Relax holiday. The haircut is one of the requirement to participate in the R&R holiday :).
Well, during the last R&R holiday, I heard that for this coming R&R, they may throw in an additional free 2 day 1 night or 3 day 2 night nature stay for us.. hee :)
Hope we could enjoy our holiday again :)
Welcome to the Rest & Relax Holiday :)
Just come back from my haircut. A new haircut for my 3 weeks Rest & Relax holiday. The haircut is one of the requirement to participate in the R&R holiday :).
Well, during the last R&R holiday, I heard that for this coming R&R, they may throw in an additional free 2 day 1 night or 3 day 2 night nature stay for us.. hee :)
Hope we could enjoy our holiday again :)
Welcome to the Rest & Relax Holiday :)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Tomorrow is the 1st and the last time we gona have this 09-09-09, calender date :)
And wish Deary & I could be
tian tian mi mi,
kuai kuai le le
chang chang jiu jiu
de zhai yi qi :)
Hee... ..
And wish Deary & I could be
tian tian mi mi,
kuai kuai le le
chang chang jiu jiu
de zhai yi qi :)
Hee... ..
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Great Gift In National Day 2009
This year, Deary & I got a great, great gift in the National Day 2009 :)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Liverpool 5-0 Singapore
Tonite, I didnt join watch the Singapore-Liverpool match at the stadium... . Well, at least I still get to watch the game.. on Channel 5 Live!! Hee... not too bad, its free... and in the comfort at home :) ... hmmm... eating the rojak, which I had craved for quite a while. hee..... great :)
Well, if this is really a competitive match, i would have very very much wana go watch, support and ENJOY the game then... haa....
Well, Liverpool jus attack a bit here and there in the 1st half... but enter the 2nd half, Liverpool played with a more attacking bite... mostly from the right side... hee...
Final score, Liverpool 5-0 Singapore.
Well, if this is really a competitive match, i would have very very much wana go watch, support and ENJOY the game then... haa....
Well, Liverpool jus attack a bit here and there in the 1st half... but enter the 2nd half, Liverpool played with a more attacking bite... mostly from the right side... hee...
Final score, Liverpool 5-0 Singapore.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Michael Jackson - King of Pop

Michael Jackson had pass away. Another great musician artiste had gone... again.. .
His millions of fans worldwide will definitely miss his songs and dance moves. His signature track are awesome... Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad, Beat It, We are The World, Earth Song, Heal The World, Black or White... plus many other great numbers... Will You Be There, In The Closet, You Are Not Alone, Who Is It, I Just Can't Stop Loving You (oh, a great ballard.. I am surprise when I know this song is by MJ!! Coz, during that time when I was in primary school, I only know his trademark songs are Beat It, Bad and Billie Jean.. hence, to hear him sing Loving You is a totally different genre song :p).. etc..... .
Michael Jackson trademark .. The White Glove, black and white attire with hat and sunglass and white socks with black shoe, military costume with gold embellish.. he could really carry them off greatly.
Yeah, and btw, try balance on the tip of the shoe, dropping at 45 deg with body straight.. hold it there and move back seamlessly to standing position, try his rubbery leg turning and twisting and of coz.. his legendary Moonwalk... woww....
Oh, and.... his famous Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... !!!
His fans just can't get enough of all his signature outlook, dance moves and songs!!!
Billie Jean, Thriller, Bad, Beat It are the very 'first songs' that I know about Michael Jackson. Follow by I Can't Just Stop Loving You. Then his Dangerous album tracks... and Heal the World, Earth Song and You Are Not Alone. Well, frankly, last time when I was young (even now.. at times) and I heard Bad and Beat It, I juz wana laugh.. haa... I duno why.. Maybe I juz find the lyrics "I am bad, I'm bad..." and "Beat it... beat it..." ... a bit comical?? I duno.. Nevertheless, these two songs are rather classics!!
Beside his dancing tracks, one could feel the warmth and touching feeling in his We Are The World, Heal the World, Earth Song and You Are Not Alone. Brilliant.
Michael Jackson's video is always full of anticipation. One can always see great adrenaline dance moves in his dancing track video. Very pump up. Look at the way he dance in his In The Closet video... the ending part where he dance (I thought some of his moves are inspire from the traditional India dance where he bend and spread apart his knees) in window.. Ohhhhhhhhhh..... awesome.
Michael Jackson is really the super star .. from another league. He could really sing and dance. His vocal and dance moves are really unique. A true maga star who let out his very own style. Oh, on top of his singing and dancing... Michael Jackson write and compose many of his songs!!! This is always one the best admirable factor that I have for an artiste. Sing, dance, write, compose and arrange. All of these, Michael Jackson pull it of out of this world! I have to say, lots of Michael Jackson's tracks and performances are rather flawless.. sophisticated.. . the music arangement, his vocal and his smoothing moves are really, really fabulous..
Yeah, I really admire the way he did it :)
Michael Jackson is indeed the King of POP.
MJ number ONE.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Champion League 2008/09

BARCELONA, the champion of Champion League 08/09!!!
Barcelona 2-0 Manchester Utd
Haa... Barcelona showing MU on what is really call world-class football!!!
Barcelona pass the ball around like men vs boys... :)
Perhaps Evra had to EAT his words now (he booast abt men vs boys after the semi-final win over Arsenal) :)
.. Very disrespect to Arsenal :p
Barcelona is really pure class.. Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Eto, Henry... Look at the way, how they caress and pass the ball around... so casually and with so much at ease?? This is Champ Leag Final, yet these genuis show no fear nor pressure at all :)
Oh, btw Barca is not even playing with Josep Guardiola's 1st choice Abidal and Alves, LB and RB. In fact, he use Puyol, 31yrs, and Sylvinho, 35yrs!!! :)
Big credit to Barca clinical and cool finishes by Eto and Messi :)
Again, Messi shows he is the Real McCoy.
Oh, I suppose Guardiola had made history... the 1st manager to win the Treble in his 1st season as the Barcelona Team.. Btw, it is also his 1st season as a senior team manager. He win these at 38 yrs. :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Goodbye Sami ...

Sami Hypia will be leaving us, LFC... Yeah, all the fans of LFC will miss the Finnish.
He is definitely the role-model of all players in Liverpool. No one doubt his commitment and contribution to Liverpool.
Well, we hope Sami could returned to Anfield... one day as a our coach. Yeah, it would be great that we could have Sami as our defence or youth coach :)
Wish you all the best, Sami.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Marvellous GiGi Leung

Juz watch The Million Superstar (Don't Forget Your Lyrics - Taiwan version)... with guest star Gigi Leung!!
Hee... ohh, she cld juz sing the Chinese songs superbly :)... A Hong Konger singing Chinese tracks, which require Gigi to sing it on the spot without having any rehearsal... ooh, she didnt juz sing it... she sing it marvellously. A Hong Konger singer who cld easily put some of the so-call Chinese-speaking singer to drop their jaws. Btw, she could remember the Chinese lyrics as well :). At one song, she cld also reason with why she need to use a certain Chinese character in that sentence - lyrics!! Haa... wonderful :)
Well, maybe this is what the critics will call - shi li pai, literally translated as quality singer. Ooh, at the same time, she is also an ou xiang pai - a singer with looks but not much quality in singing. Hence, she is both shi li pai and ou xiang pai.
Indeed, a real SUPER STAR, Gigi :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
It started with 4-0 win over Real Madrid.
Then 4-1 win over Manchester United.
Now 5-0 win over Aston Villa.
Wahhh... haaa.......
Before these games, who could have imagine that Liverpool FC could hit a hat trick of consecutive big-big-win over these supposedly strong opponents? 4-0 win over Raul & Co.? 4-1 win over Rooney & Co.? On top of the win, the Reds triumph over these teams with two thumbs up. No. Two hands up. The Reds have actually wiped off these teams competely.. leaving them them chasing over the dust. Totally outplayed the opponents.
Btw, if you have watch the highlights of the LP-Villa game, when Liverpool:
Score the 1st goal - no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 2nd goal - no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 3rd goal - still no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 4th goal - oh! still no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 5th goal - my goddness.. still no reaction from Rafa.
Haa... Rafa, Rafa. Yeah. A master strategist with high expectations.
Then 4-1 win over Manchester United.
Now 5-0 win over Aston Villa.
Wahhh... haaa.......
Before these games, who could have imagine that Liverpool FC could hit a hat trick of consecutive big-big-win over these supposedly strong opponents? 4-0 win over Raul & Co.? 4-1 win over Rooney & Co.? On top of the win, the Reds triumph over these teams with two thumbs up. No. Two hands up. The Reds have actually wiped off these teams competely.. leaving them them chasing over the dust. Totally outplayed the opponents.
Btw, if you have watch the highlights of the LP-Villa game, when Liverpool:
Score the 1st goal - no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 2nd goal - no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 3rd goal - still no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 4th goal - oh! still no reaction from Rafa.
Score the 5th goal - my goddness.. still no reaction from Rafa.
Haa... Rafa, Rafa. Yeah. A master strategist with high expectations.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Your Million Dream
Few days ago, I had watched the final of One Million Star, 星光大道 (Taiwan singing star search programme). The champion goes to the self-compose and lyrist gal. Oh, I duno her name... hee.. pardon me fans... Well, she is bubbly and she is well-liked by the judge and public. Oh, yes.. she really sing her own songs. Not one, not two.. but I think most or all the songs throughout the comptetion .. yeah!.. From all the whatever rounds.. after rounds... and even the grand final! haa... Well, although I am not really a fan of her songs, but one must admire her courage and talent (although her lyric and melody are still kinda raw) to come out with her own belief and dream. I suppose many, like me, are thinking that woahh... she is so talented.
Before, she came to the competition, her dad objected her decision. He said something like, "We duno about music. Our family duno about music. Why do you wana go?". Ooh, had the champion listened to her dad earlier, she would not have enter this popular singing contest. And she won't be the champion. She would never had fulfilled her dream. Her journey in life might have been a regret.
But what happen, if she had persisted to join and..yet she is been kicked out in the audition, people around her would say she is so 'silly' to dream about 'Star Dream'. She should spend more time, effort and money on her study and become a banker, teacher, lawyer, doctor...... instead. Oh, she would be lamented for been builting castle in the air.
But how things had changed.. NOW! Haa... now she is the champion, people around her would say that she is so wise and correct to been stubbornly persuing her dream and belief to choose this road! Haa... yeah, how things change. How people perceived her decision differently.. now.
It's always a case of, if you didnt get the result, people would say you are so silly to have all these dreams.
Well, if you had grind the result, people would say.. oh, you are so smart!
Well... well...... but of coz, the road to success is not easy. It could be a long and lonely journey. Not everyone could manage and get it. But if one dun try, how would one koe?
If this singing lass didnt try, would she (or others) koe that she could be a force to be reckon with, now?
For those up who strive, I applaud you.
Good luck in your Million Dream :)
Before, she came to the competition, her dad objected her decision. He said something like, "We duno about music. Our family duno about music. Why do you wana go?". Ooh, had the champion listened to her dad earlier, she would not have enter this popular singing contest. And she won't be the champion. She would never had fulfilled her dream. Her journey in life might have been a regret.
But what happen, if she had persisted to join and..yet she is been kicked out in the audition, people around her would say she is so 'silly' to dream about 'Star Dream'. She should spend more time, effort and money on her study and become a banker, teacher, lawyer, doctor...... instead. Oh, she would be lamented for been builting castle in the air.
But how things had changed.. NOW! Haa... now she is the champion, people around her would say that she is so wise and correct to been stubbornly persuing her dream and belief to choose this road! Haa... yeah, how things change. How people perceived her decision differently.. now.
It's always a case of, if you didnt get the result, people would say you are so silly to have all these dreams.
Well, if you had grind the result, people would say.. oh, you are so smart!
Well... well...... but of coz, the road to success is not easy. It could be a long and lonely journey. Not everyone could manage and get it. But if one dun try, how would one koe?
If this singing lass didnt try, would she (or others) koe that she could be a force to be reckon with, now?
For those up who strive, I applaud you.
Good luck in your Million Dream :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante

How many people can you spot from this painting?
Hee.... Bruce Lee, Pele, Guan Yu, Audrey Hepburn, Saddam Hussein, Charlie Chaplin, Mike Tyson, Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton, Sun Yet Sen, Deng Xiao Ping, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Zedong... the list goes on and on.... :)
Happy Spotting :)
Hee.... Bruce Lee, Pele, Guan Yu, Audrey Hepburn, Saddam Hussein, Charlie Chaplin, Mike Tyson, Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton, Sun Yet Sen, Deng Xiao Ping, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Zedong... the list goes on and on.... :)
Happy Spotting :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Heart - Alone
Last week while my dear n I had our Soup Spoon lunch at Tanjong Pagar... I heard a familiar and wonderful music from the opposite CD shop.. It's the classic song Alone, by Heart.
Oohh... The opening piano melodius never fail me.. .. so did the high-siren pitch by the lead vocal... haaa :)
This ever favorite rock ballards from the 80s... is really a power track.
"I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark...."
Hmm.. the catchy opening line had already glued me to the music... craving for more..
From the opening to the waning to the end... Ann Wilson seems to have so much feeling and power to it.
Here's a MTV on Heart - Alone.
Yeah, you can catch the 80s big hairdo as well :)
Oohh... The opening piano melodius never fail me.. .. so did the high-siren pitch by the lead vocal... haaa :)
This ever favorite rock ballards from the 80s... is really a power track.
"I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark...."
Hmm.. the catchy opening line had already glued me to the music... craving for more..
From the opening to the waning to the end... Ann Wilson seems to have so much feeling and power to it.
Here's a MTV on Heart - Alone.
Yeah, you can catch the 80s big hairdo as well :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Heath Ledger - Best Supporting Actor

Oscar 2009.
The Best Supporting Actor award goes to... .. Heath Ledger, for his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight.
I am really, really glad that Heath Ledger has win his well-deserved award :) . This is his last chance to clinch the Oscar.
After his thumbs-up performance in Broke Back Mountain and The Dark Knight, Ledger is a young actor with even more promise to deliver, explore and to give. His role as the Joker is so intense and absolutely GREAT.... . His expression.. speaking manner.. and body movement ....woww!!
Heath Ledger is truly the best supporting actor in OSCAR 2009!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

A flashback that take us though a strange condition, friendships, two character's different grown up story and, of coz, love story. The author and ...the director manage to tell the story seamlessly... the charactors' story, surrounding, encounter, time and pace are been blended in so smoothly. Simply wonderful. This 2hrs and 45mins film is so wonderful.
The love story of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) and Daisy (Cate Blancett) is so touching. Two lover who wana so much to stay together forever, yet they had to be seperated ... because of Benjamin's unusual circumstances. Benjamin gave up all his fortune to Daisy and their beloved daugther and led a poor and lonely life. Daisy look after Benjamin when he began to become a child... and to infant.... .
Again, it is another great film with excellent stars performance. Brad Pitt, Cate Blancett and Tilda Swinton put up marvellous performances. Neverheless, when Benjamin turn from his thirties to twenties... and his youth hairstyle, he look so... charming. Cate Blancett's ballet dance and posture is so beautiful..I wonder is she an ex-ballet dancer?? Tilda Swinton.. oooh.. she look so classic! Didn't she? Her look and mannerism seem so timeless and elegant. Woww...
In the middle of this show, it sort of remind me of Titanic.. haa... well, coz in both film, the story are flashback from an old lady. A love story that dated back many decades ago. An affecting and heartbroken story. But of coz, I would still prefer The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Sunday, February 08, 2009
Portsmouth 2-3 Liverpool
Portsmouth 2-3 Liverpool
Great strike from Aurelio, Kuyt and Torres :)
I think this is the 1st time that I see a Liverpool team starting with 6 defenders!!! Haa..
Frankly, Rafa really got the balls and brain to play with:
1) a new formation
2) 6 defenders
3) a new strike partnership
4) midfield partnership
.. . all in 1 important game!!!
Sometimes... ermm.. countless of times, our dear Rafa had left many of us, Kops Fans, scratching and pulling our hair in his team selections... haa... but at the same time, Rafa has also win over our admiration and taking away our hat for him :)
Great strike from Aurelio, Kuyt and Torres :)
I think this is the 1st time that I see a Liverpool team starting with 6 defenders!!! Haa..
Frankly, Rafa really got the balls and brain to play with:
1) a new formation
2) 6 defenders
3) a new strike partnership
4) midfield partnership
.. . all in 1 important game!!!
Sometimes... ermm.. countless of times, our dear Rafa had left many of us, Kops Fans, scratching and pulling our hair in his team selections... haa... but at the same time, Rafa has also win over our admiration and taking away our hat for him :)
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Gambas Run
2 days ago, I had finally ran from my house to Gambas Ave to Yishun and back-tracked from Gambas to my house again.... :)
I had always wanted to completed this route.... haa... and yesterday, while putting on my running gear, I had a sudden urge to run it :). Yeah, there I go...run it !!! Haa....
The distance is probably ard 5km? I cnt be sure is it more or less.... coz my timing for the run is pretty bad. I take approx 35min (including stopping at traffic junction) to cover the distance. 35min to cover 5km is quite slow. And I dun think the run is more than 5km... hence, not a good run-timing :p
Well, but the consolation is that I had finally completed the Gambas Run :)
I had always wanted to completed this route.... haa... and yesterday, while putting on my running gear, I had a sudden urge to run it :). Yeah, there I go...run it !!! Haa....
The distance is probably ard 5km? I cnt be sure is it more or less.... coz my timing for the run is pretty bad. I take approx 35min (including stopping at traffic junction) to cover the distance. 35min to cover 5km is quite slow. And I dun think the run is more than 5km... hence, not a good run-timing :p
Well, but the consolation is that I had finally completed the Gambas Run :)
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Goodbye Keane
I am rather upset :( that Keane had left my beloved Liverpool... and returned to his Tottenham.
Initially when we got hold of Keane, most of us (the LFC supporters) are so happy about the transfer!! Yeah, a hardworking and a strong team player with crafty run and superb goal. A commited and high-spirit player. Well, apparently he didnt perform up to his ususal standard at Anfield... after 6 months... And there he goes... to his Tottenham, where he is a cult hero at White Hart Lane, again.
Well, now Keane is gone... EPL and FA Cup are still kicking off on every week... They wont wait for the Reds... The Reds still gona have to get over it and win as much as they can..
Perhaps, it's a case of a club gona bank-in as much as they could on an ageing player who didnt live up to his style in this high expectation club. Or perhaps, it's another case of a quality player who didnt fit into the club formation. Or perhaps, it's a signal from Benitez to his other players. Sacrifice a pawn to win the game.
Well, it could be the same as one's life... one doesnt fit or perform in the Organisation A, yet he flourish in Organisation B. One show loyalty to Oranisation A, yet he is been discarded away.
Goodbye Keane.
Good luck to you :)
Initially when we got hold of Keane, most of us (the LFC supporters) are so happy about the transfer!! Yeah, a hardworking and a strong team player with crafty run and superb goal. A commited and high-spirit player. Well, apparently he didnt perform up to his ususal standard at Anfield... after 6 months... And there he goes... to his Tottenham, where he is a cult hero at White Hart Lane, again.
Well, now Keane is gone... EPL and FA Cup are still kicking off on every week... They wont wait for the Reds... The Reds still gona have to get over it and win as much as they can..
Perhaps, it's a case of a club gona bank-in as much as they could on an ageing player who didnt live up to his style in this high expectation club. Or perhaps, it's another case of a quality player who didnt fit into the club formation. Or perhaps, it's a signal from Benitez to his other players. Sacrifice a pawn to win the game.
Well, it could be the same as one's life... one doesnt fit or perform in the Organisation A, yet he flourish in Organisation B. One show loyalty to Oranisation A, yet he is been discarded away.
Goodbye Keane.
Good luck to you :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Happy Reunion With Doggie
1 - 2 weeks ago, a man came to my doorstep and ask,
"Have you lost a dog?"
"Oh, no.. I didnt.", I replied.
"Okay, a dog came over to our house... hence,
I thought it might belongs you.", the man said. With that,
he proceed to another house.. trying to find the doggie's owner.
Yesterday, at the lift lobby, I saw a notice. It reads:
(with a picture of a dog attached)
Call 9xxxxxxx."
I took the lift up to my house (on the top floor),
when my lift had reach the mid-level, a lady was
carrying a dog. Hmmm... I thought that dog look familiar.
Out of curiousity, I ask the lady,
"Is this the missing dog from the notice at the lift lobby?"
"Yeah, it's my dog!" the lady smile happily.
.. :) ... heee....
Upon reaching my floor, I congratulate her... and her doggie..
"Happy Reunion.." hee...
"Haaa...." she laughed....
A Happy Reunion for the dog owner and the doggie :)
Just in time for the reunion dinner, for both of them, on tomorrow...
Happie Chinese New Year!!!
"Have you lost a dog?"
"Oh, no.. I didnt.", I replied.
"Okay, a dog came over to our house... hence,
I thought it might belongs you.", the man said. With that,
he proceed to another house.. trying to find the doggie's owner.
Yesterday, at the lift lobby, I saw a notice. It reads:
(with a picture of a dog attached)
Call 9xxxxxxx."
I took the lift up to my house (on the top floor),
when my lift had reach the mid-level, a lady was
carrying a dog. Hmmm... I thought that dog look familiar.
Out of curiousity, I ask the lady,
"Is this the missing dog from the notice at the lift lobby?"
"Yeah, it's my dog!" the lady smile happily.
.. :) ... heee....
Upon reaching my floor, I congratulate her... and her doggie..
"Happy Reunion.." hee...
"Haaa...." she laughed....
A Happy Reunion for the dog owner and the doggie :)
Just in time for the reunion dinner, for both of them, on tomorrow...
Happie Chinese New Year!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Steamed Milk-Egg
These few days I had a sudden craving for steamed milk-egg, hence, decided to try to steam one myself and savour it!! Yummmmy :p
Haa... this is the first time that I am steaming this wonderful dessert. But it turn out to be a bit hard n sweet... hee... my next attempt will be much better :)
Yeah, I miss this simple, yet delicious dessert. I chance upon this dessert with my dear in Hong Kong.. Anyone has a great recipe of this dessert? Please share it with me :)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Bye Bye Jacky Wu??
Just read from a newspaper article that Jacky Wu may retiree from the entertainment programme on June 2009.
Well, I hope he is just doing it for a publicity stunt. I would like to see him continue for at least another 20 years!!! haa... Yeah, he is one of the most entertaining host. I admire his extremely quick witted thinking with humour!!
He is one of the reason I like to watch Guess Guess Guess and Shi Zi Lu Kuo!!!
Well, I hope he is just doing it for a publicity stunt. I would like to see him continue for at least another 20 years!!! haa... Yeah, he is one of the most entertaining host. I admire his extremely quick witted thinking with humour!!
He is one of the reason I like to watch Guess Guess Guess and Shi Zi Lu Kuo!!!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
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